When Perfectionism Strikes. And 5 Minutes With God.

I have a confession to make. I know it’s true….simply because of the discomfort I feel.  As I spit out this unflattering, unChristlike, prideful rising truth…. “I am a perfectionist.” I often have this unsettled insistence that things be just perfect. In fact, when I was little….I used to go up and down the isles.  Aligning boxes […]

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Falling into His Pool of Grace

Popcorn spills all over the floor. Not waking up to a clean house…or a quiet, calm house.  But, this morning. Popcorn.  And young feet pattering…..looking…..searching through treats left out by teenagers the night before. And I implore….  “Pick up the popcorn….  When we make messes, our job is to clean them up.” And little hands innocently […]

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