Who Are you Inviting this Thanksgiving?

As the holidays come. Expected.  Anticipated. Dreaded….by some.  I must ask…. Who are you inviting to your Thanksgiving table this year? Thinking about years past….. First year with spouse.  We sat, in a Restaurant.  Just us two.  Night before putting on my wedding dress.  Then, those times as a child.  House packed with Grandmas and Grandpas […]

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Life in the Little Things

We spot him yesterday.  Lost. Alone. Without mom…or home. Littlest furry fellow. Easily unseen. Laying estranged, in properties path. The lost one. Forgotten. Littlest unforgotten…easily missed. Gathering him in loving arms. To Nestle him. Comfort him. We also spot, a centipede. Pencil stroke long. Crawling across the sun dried ground.   To some, invisible.  To others […]

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