When Seasons Disappoint.

Everywhere I turn, “Martha Stewart” type pictures sting. Taunt.  Patronize.  Sky high Christmas trees. Presents flowing…covering the floor of what others might call the perfect season. While our tree sits.  Undecorated. Presents everywhere. Hats.  New shoes.  Photos.  Santa.  Snow globes.  Lights.  Christmas cards with photos of families. Unflawed. While our cards sit.  Untouched.  Foster daughter.  Fighting […]

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When Seasons Turn like Ferris Wheels

We close the door to summer. Sweet pictures in our minds. Of laughter, love, and leisure…..                                               Spinning ’round….                                                                          Like a Merry-go-round….                                                                                                                 In our minds. Beaches.             Barbeques.                             Volleyball.                                             Play Dates.   As labor of days enter peace moments…Sweeping summer away. Time has come….to jump on train of schedules. ….Hours filled with obligations. Chiseling time away like a […]

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