People Don’t Wear Pricetags. You Are God’s Poem. UNITE Link Party

My second grader has been learning the “rules” of drawing lately. Straight lines, full bodies, stick-like hair on people.  She even has changed her sunshine’s to shooting rays, instead of zig-zag lightening bolt-like rays, shooting out in all directions.   She is learning really fast…“Stay in the lines.  Obey the rules.  Fall in place.  Look, act, […]

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Confessions of a Bookworm

I must confess. I am….         A want to be athlete.                 Unappointed hostess.                          Embracing outdoors woman. But, at the very heart of who I am….I am a bookworm. For when I enter a wall of books….         My mind dances at the idea of how many people….                 Accumulation of thoughts…                          And multitudes of knowledge represents each wall lined […]

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