Joy Unstoppable

Delight in the Lord.                            For there is joy in His presence.                                                       Eternal pleasure at His right hand.                                                                                         A River of Delight flowing from His Magnificence. And yet……we fail to walk in the fullness of His presence.  Many searching for the ticket to salvation.  Yet, turn from the full abundance of His Spirit. Joy not in segments […]

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Playing Heaven’s Song

Peaking around corner.  Following songs sound.  I see her.           Tiny digits dancing across ivories.                          Voice lifted.                                                                         Heart engaged fully, playing….Heaven’s Song. I watch unknowingly.            Wondering what lured her.                           Listening.  Unrelenting. And I recall….Someone praying, few weeks prior….that though her physical ears can’t hear…her spiritual ears would be opened. And hearts melody floats through our […]

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