When Silence Speaks. And a nearly 100 yr old Aunt.

It’s been awhile.  But, then, it’s Mother’s Day.  And she has no children. I creep in.  Unnoticed.  Just a silhouette.  Me.  Her niece.  Forgotten a long time ago.  All because of Alzheimers. But, this time. So close to death. Her mis-wired head….leaves her with no words. And she is absolutely beautiful. And why is the silence…..most […]

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Lost inside Alzheimers

I saw her today. My earthly angel. Ninety-eight. A Saint.  Really.  Hollow eyes. Lost inside… Alzheimer’s. Retracting tears…. Of how life can rob the one’s most used. Prayers of faith…I remember.  Journals of verses.  Talks with God.  Quotes.  Notes. A Bible well-worn. Once, in a shack.  Alone. In Florida state.  No dishwasher. No housekeeper. No microwave. […]

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