Hello, friend!
Before you keep reading about me, let’s get one thing straight…I am not some super-spiritual, over-achieving, beyond perfect person.
I am a person with trial and triumphs, just like you.
I am here not because I have some great insight, some must-do rules, or can even attest, my life’s been perfected or “all figured out”…
I type these words more out of obedience and faithfulness because in my heart of hearts, I know God has created me to write.
A Little About Me
Over the past twenty-six years, I have been “mom” off and on to not quite two dozen…some through birth, others through fostering. We have a huge heart for and have become added parents through trans-racial adoption.
Like you, I strive to live this life the best I can, daily living to glorify Him by writing, speaking, advocating for the orphan, traveling to the needy both locally and internationally.
I seek to honor Him in whatever other means God calls me to.
My husband and I have been married more than a quarter of a century. I am an ex-teacher to hundreds, majoring in Psychology and Child development. I started downshifting my life when I chose home-schooling, educating my children now, for over a decade.
Today, I am a regular contributor at Missional Women, speak at conferences, and am humbled to be able to be featured at places like {in}Courage and the book, “A Missional Life: Living in Light of Eternity”.
Although I have served God for multiple decades, it took a fresh revival of my heart to appreciate a relationship-based, not works-based sense of the true gospel. Everything changed when I experienced fluid grace capturing my heart with a love worth pursuing.
My motto is much like Helen Keller’s who once said, “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows”.
If you talk to me for any length of time, you will learn that I am pretty passionate about the needy; whether the homeless, lost, broken, but especially those who embody the “orphan spirit”. My own life journey has broken me and is now teaching me,
“No one is too far gone, too lost, too broken that God can’t reach them and make them whole again.”
In a day where hope is fading, faith is fleeting, lives are seeking real, authentic relationship… I still believe in the local church and in global evangelism that uses words and works to change the world. I believe grace truly changes lives, and love covers a multitude of sins.
- In the mountains of Guatemala, seeing Jesus shine through a one armed man who was the victim of a neighbors Christian-hating machete,
- In the Philippines, Filipino children my church and family ministered to, shot by corrupt policemen who insisted they renounce their conversation,
- In the faces of the abandoned toddler I fell in love with and held in Dominican Republic,
- Or in the hearts of all those children I saw behind the bars of the government orphanage each time I went to China…
I hold tight to the truth that Jesus is enough.
The gift of His love was meant to be shared with each of those He puts in front of us, and true faith rises when we stand on His Word, lean on His strength, and rise up and “go” and be His hands and feet.
You can read more about my family here. And to read a recent interview I did with my friend, Cheryl, click here.